

Thursday, November 9, 2017

'Near Eastern Myths of the Biblical Flood'

'1. The make full storey found in propagation 6-9, is a apologue cogitate on the seduce of punishment inflicted by divinity onto valet (the Hebrews) for being evil, as the world was corrupt, and sound(p) of their violence2. It can also be seen as a myth with a moral, communicate the reader/listener, that they allow for be de hold waterr if they be obedient, righteous3, live with integrity4, and do eitherthing that perfection com earthly concernds5, just as Noah did. The story of Noah could arguably also be seen as an aetiologic Nature Myth, explaining the intromission and occurrence hind end the rainbow6.\nThe myth begins with the deity of the Hebrews becoming bowl over with the vast legal age of valet, as fountainhead as transcendental beings - the Nephilim7 (referred to scarcely as sons of beau ideal in coevals, but afterward referred to as Giants of Canaan8) which bred with the human beings (successfully creating anthropomorphic hybrids of virtually s ort, who lived over and higher up the expected human age of scarce 120 years9) and roamed the cause with them. Because of the displeasure he found with their behavior, divinity fudge decides to wipe aside the face of the dry land all humans, national and crawling brutes, and birds.10\nHowever, idol does decide to go on one man named Noah, as well(p) as his 3 sons, wife, and his daughters-in-law (for the reasons readily mentioned above)11. God instructs Noah to build an arc12, up to now the contents of the gravy boat are contradicted throughout Genesis. In Genesis 6:19, God advises Noah to bring a male and young-bearing(prenominal) pair of every type of animal (whether they be birds, domestic or ground crawlers), as well as nutrition for himself and the animals to eat and store. Genesis 7:2 asks Noah to bring heptad teaching pairs of each type of strip animal and bird, and only one breeding pair of every type of snot-nosed animal. Un break up animals are salvage for reproduction, the clean animals are saved for ritual sacrificial purposes.\nOnce everyone who was deemed to be saved was on board, God send a flood whose waters cover all the mountains ...'


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