

Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Problem with Blind Justice

agree to the dictionary, nicety is synonymous with righteousness, lawfulness, and equality. In my view this conveys that when referee is served the guilty ar punished and the barren are economize their freedom. In other words, when a crime is committed, the guilty society should be brought to arbiter. In the object lesson of a massacreer, referee would mean that this person serves a desire prison sentence or possibly face the final stage penalty. A famous trope representing justice is Lady Liberty. In this statue, she is blindf seniored, representing Justice is blind. This means justice is equal to everyone, despite racial, accessible religious and economic factors.\nEssentially, justice is the fair treatment of mickle and honesty. Only the evidence relevant to the court case is considered and essentially everyone is treated fairly below the law. For example someone fuckingt be convicted of blow because of their race or murder because they are poor. Justice is t he individual investigation of truth. In a homage the lawyers present their sides of the maintain actions to the venire. The judge presides over the courtroom and makes sure the law is followed. The jury is supposed to look at the facts and evidence presented to them and to make a decision based on the law. This is foundation of the US efficacious organization. In a sinless world, justice involves people get what they have coming to them. In a sense, the bad string punishment and the righteous are free. Although justice can be implemented properly, justice is an rickety idea and system. When the justice system fails is can ruin the lives of honest people.\nJames Bain is an example of the justice system failing an innocent man. In 1974, Bain, from Florida, was 19 when he was convicted on charges of kidnapping, burglary and rape. He was convicted and was wedded a life sentence. The victim, a 9 year old boy, told police that his attacker had shaggy-haired sideburns and a mu stache. After existence shown five photo...


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