

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Family And The Polis

Family and the Polis Family and the Polis: Two Very Different Ideals Sophocles wrote a play present Antigone. One of the principal(prenominal) vulcanized fibers, Creon, is a king who is trying to form in the best interests of his community. Aristophanes also wrote a play, Lysistrata, where his main compositors case is trying to stop a war at bottom her country, a war between Sparta and Athens. Lysistrata is the only one who succeeds. It is because she focuses on the family issues first. That is what is at the heart of what is best for all of the people of Greece. Antigone is almost rights of family and the fancy of the polis, or the government. Antigone is a strong female character whose cardinal familiars, Eteocles and Polyneices, were killed by each other in a fighting for the throne and power of the city. Polyneices? body was left unburied and no one was allowed to bury it. Antigone call fored to respect her broth er so she tried to go and bury him. Creon, the new king, was her uncle and she was engage...If you want to embark on a full essay, order it on our website:

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